Title: Sophomore Year 14/? Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance/AU Pairing: Jaemin A/N: The first chaptered DBSK fanfic I ever started (like 2006? O.O). Please note overall silliness, random dialogue, the occasional OOCness with some dashes of angst and smex.
This was probably one of the harder chapters to write for me. I couldn't quite seem to get the right vibe with Kibum and Changmin, so I definitely had to sit down and write and re-write before I felt comfortable with what I had. and it's short *gets shot* I'm still not quite satisfied, but I know it's been a while since my last update (sorry!! *
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I was working on a birthday drabble, but it kept getting too waffy and unrealistic or too angsty ^^;; So I'm posting the chapter I worked on this weekend instead... Maybe I'll make a continuation of my first Changmin bday fic...
Hmm, I'm not sure where this came from but had a sudden idea and it flowed from there ^_^v
Title: Sophomore Year 10/? Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance/AU Pairing: Jaemin Disclaimer: Fanwork is purely fictional and does not imply any actual relationship or event.
Yup, I'm going back to this fic. Crazy crazy. Do I have any idea where I'm going with this? None! ^_^ in either case, I'm doing a go-with-the-flow style and seeing where it lands me. Hopefully my first long chaptered fic will eventually be somewhat cohesive. and finished
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Um, right. This is DEFINITELY a lemon, so you have been warned XD. Man, it took me a while to get back into this story, but am trying out some new things. In either case, hope you enjoy and sorry for the insanely long wait
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I'm not sure if I like where I'm going with this. I kept writing and re-writing, but I think this version is the one I like best so far.
Anyway, enjoy!
Title: Sophomore Year 7/? Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance/AU Pairing: Jaemin Disclaimer: Fanwork is purely fictional and do not imply any actual relationship or event.
It's been a rather crazy time at work, where I haven't really had the time to just sit and concentrate. I've been having a rather long block on this story and even wrote a shorter Jaemin drabble to try and figure out what I want to do here, but it didn't really come out until now. Though even now, I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter
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